For Dave Tourjé, film was a later love. Beginning as Executive Producer on a feature documentary completed in 2013, Curly, which follows Gustavo ‘CURLY’ Fernandez as he flourishes within this free art program and delves into the roots of the Chouinard Foundation, their inspiration and history. Curly took home five Best Feature awards internationally. Following this was “LA Aboriginal,” a short documentary about a surf-skate inspired artist raised in Northeast Los Angeles or, Tourjé himself. This film was directed and produced by Dolce Films. The film won 7 Best Short Film awards internationally, and admiring the slow burn of the filmmaking process he likens to the progression of a painting, Tourjé was quickly drawn to heading film collaborations of his own.
Next he continued onto his short documentary film, John Van Hamersveld CRAZY WORLD AIN’T IT. The film is the story of artist John Van Hamersveld and the inspiration he has provided, sweetened by Tourjé’s own innate artistry and the creative force of his fellow collaborators. Incorporating his passion for visual art and music, the film is his proudest and most rewarding piece to date.
From business owner to contemporary painter, he is a far cry from the classical filmmaker, and that very well may be filmmaker Dave Tourjé’s biggest strength.